Proteco’s Boom Barrier is one of the most reliable road barrier preventing vehicle intrusions in your premises. It is ideal for residential facilities and apartment locks as it offers one single version to handle driveways from 3.6m to 6m, equipped with adjustable springs according to the length needed. The powder coated Aluminum Cabinet is fitted with LED luminous signaling and integrated flashing light which provides better product vision during the night time. The telescopic boom is provided with a ground plate and fixed support which, firstly, secures the product and secondly, provides a platform for the equipment to work perfectly.
Moreover, the Boom Barrier offers obstacle detection features, which provides safety to the incoming and outgoing vehicles and also prevents the breaking of the equipment itself. This device closes automatically and also can be closed manually by rotating the wheel inside the cabinet in a step by step manner. The device’s fault is signaled by the LED warning lights. The aluminum cabinet is equipped with a control unit that is connected to the key switch with a wired connection, where accessible to the authorized person, such as in a security room of the organization, and a wireless key switch is also provided for easier control to the device. Furthermore, outer photocells are installed on either side of the barrier which works as a sensor for the authorized vehicles to gain entry to the buildings or the organization.

Boom Barrier is ideal for high security areas like hospitals, airports to prevent entries to the restricted areas. Also, it can be used in parking areas as well as to control traffic during peak hours. It offers flexibility as it can be programmed and utilized in various ways. It is way more effective than manual road barriers, easy to maintain and is available in affordable price.
Contact us today to enhance security in your place with an Boom Barrier.